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Civil Service Pension with an average employer contribution of 27%
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About the job
Job summary
Job description
We encourage applications from people from all backgrounds and aim to have a workforce that represents the wider society that we serve. We pride ourselves on being an employer of choice. We champion diversity, inclusion and wellbeing and aim to create a workplace where everyone feels valued and a sense of belonging. To find out more about how we do this visit:
Organisation Level Functional Management The Jobs at this level provides leadership and management of the function and as a Senior Management Team member, contributes to the strategic planning and implementation of corporate activities. Fully accountable for the delivery / performance of the function. They manage staff and resources to deliver activities within their function including medium and longer term planning. Will manage a delegated budget, determines resources required and actively influences efficiency.
Job holders within this group will provide religious and pastoral care of prisoners and all staff in their own faith/belief tradition and have an understanding/ knowledge of other differing faiths/beliefs.
Will manage all the staff within the Chaplaincy team. Structured learning and experienced pastoral care is required to deliver this to prisoners and staff. The job holder will need to keep abreast of changes within own work area and comply with HMPPS policy.
Will have regular pre-planned prisoner facing activities/duties. Will also manage ad hoc requests from prisoners if and when deemed appropriate. Will assist with offenders on release into the community, those serving community sentences or other HMPPS funded community initiatives by agreement.
This is a non-operational job with line management responsibilities.
Characteristics Typical tasks associated with this Group Profile include:
Accountable for the performance of the Chaplaincy team and the staff within it. Manage the achievement of qualitative and quantitative standards including Service Delivery Indicators (SDIs) within the function, verifying and signing off documentation as appropriate. Analyse and act upon data which is relevant to Chaplaincy
Ensure that all staff within the Chaplaincy team contribute to providing decent conditions for prisoners and a safe working environment for staff
Promote prison service policy in all activities and behaviours;
e.g. promote diversity, decency, safety and reducing re- offending agendas
Will have the skills to apply all Human Resources (HR) related policies and practices and be able to carry out all aspects of people management such as attendance management, disciplinary investigations, performance management and staff appraisals
Responsible for ensuring prisoners complaints (including those involving litigation claims) relevant to the Chaplaincy team, have been dealt with in accordance with policy
Produce relevant reports as required and ensure all correspondence is replied to within agreed timescales
Oversee the compilation and achievement of any performance improvement programmes, reporting on progress regularly as appropriate
Manage the appropriate authorisation of financial compliance statements
Manage devolved budgets in accordance with the financial procedures outlined in the budget delegation
Ensure that Chaplaincy produces and analyses audit and establishment performance management information identifying variances and areas requiring improvements
Contribute to the establishments overall achievement of (SDIs) and standards and be accountable for the performance and delivery of targets relating to the budget and People Plan for the function
Responsible for leading the development of local policy, procedures and practice and the implementation of national policy in relation to the chaplaincy service and lead activities. Contributes toward the development of general HMPPS local policy, procedures and practice. Ensures that current Chaplaincy practice is in line with policy (both national and local)
Contribute to the development and delivery of the medium-to- long term strategic and business plan for the establishment, with overall responsibility for implementation within their function
Attend relevant boards/meetings and actively contribute either as chair or team member
Responsible for ensuring work areas and associated activities comply with Health and Safety legislation. Ensure all risk assessments are undertaken and staff are made aware of their personal responsibility towards Health and Safety compliance
Work collaboratively and provide constructive challenge to colleagues to ensure that their own and other functions are joined up and together contribute towards the overall delivery of the establishments performance
Contribute to the preparation of the establishment contingency and emergency plans and ensure implementation when required.
Carries out investigations and administration in relation to incidents of potential discrimination and reports on findings.
Responsible for ensuring relevant actions arising from Standard Audit, His Majesty Inspectorate of Prisons (HMIP) Action Plans, Managing Quality of Prison Life (MQPL) surveys including local self audit action plans and Resettlement strategies are delivered.
Job Descriptions relating to this Group Profile
Senior Chaplain: Managing Chaplain
Essential Skills/ Qualifications/ Accreditation/ Registration
The job holder meets the HMPPS specified faith/belief eligibility requirements of their faith/belief tradition. Details of some of the HMPPS faith/belief eligibility requirements can be found
listed below.
Will have proven experience and skills in pastoral care and pastoral leadership, including crisis events.
Must be suitably qualified and have a formal recognised qualification in theology or religious study and be experienced such that the job holder will have received formal endorsements (where relevant) from the faith/belief community to which they belong.
Must have working knowledge of other faiths/beliefs represented within a prison to enable them to work in a multi faith/belief environment.
Faith/Belief Eligibility Requirements (January 2022) Anglican:
Ordained Bishop, Priest or Deacon
Be an ordained member of the Anglican Communion (or of churches part of the Porvoo Agreement)
Will normally need to have been in Holy Orders for a minimum of three years
Have formal endorsement in the form of the licence of the Diocesan Bishop
Reader, Religious Brother/Sister, Church Army Evangelist
Be a Reader (as set out in Canon E4 of The Canons of the Church of England or direct equivalent in other Anglican provinces)
Be a Religious sister or brother, Church Army Evangelist or other appropriately qualified or licensed minister in the Anglican tradition, subject to agreement from the Anglican Bishop to HM Prisons
Have formal endorsement in the form of the licence of the Diocesan Bishop (Evidence required before appointment)
All must have:
signed the Church of England documentation on mutual flourishing or Church in Wales equivalent
demonstrable knowledge of Anglican theology and religious practice
formal endorsement from the HMPPS Anglican Faith and Belief Adviser confirming eligibility and suitability
Diocesan DBS clearance and up to date safeguarding training
Be a current member of the Baháí Faith in good standing.
Have demonstrable in-depth knowledge of the Baháí Faith.
Have formal endorsement by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baháís of the United Kingdom.
Be a committed Buddhist living by a moral standard of at least that of the Five Precepts and meditate regularly
Display a competent understanding of Buddhist teaching and practice
Have demonstrable knowledge of Buddhist schools other than the one to which you belong and be willing and able to help and encourage interest in, and practice of those schools, when required
Be willing to complete Angulimalas Prison Dharma course and attend two of Angulimalas training workshops a year
Have endorsement by the HMPPS Buddhist Faith and Belief Adviser* (Evidence required before appointment)
Christian Science:
Chaplains should be members of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts
Chaplains should be class taught students, by an authorised teacher of Christian Science
Chaplains should be active members of a Christian Science branch church or society
Chaplains should be endorsed by the Christian Science Prison Chaplains Committee
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints:
Should be a committed Latter Day Saint, living the commandments and principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Men should be ordained elders or high priests
Women and men should be Temple Recommend Holders
Should have a thorough understanding of the beliefs, doctrinal teachings and practices of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Be endorsed by local priesthood leaders, e.g. their Bishop or Stake President
Be endorsed by the HMPPS Faith and Belief Adviser of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Free Church:
All Free Church chaplains are trained faith practitioners in their own communities. They are accountable to and accredited by an eligible denomination as listed on the Free Churches Group website. They will either be a minister (lay or ordained) of a Free Church denomination which is:
a member of the Free Churches Group, or
listed by the HMPPS Free Churches Faith and Belief Adviser as an Additional Denomination
Denominations listed as an Additional Denomination will satisfy all of the following:
▪ have a distinctive Free Church theology
▪ be national members of either Churches Together in England or Cytun
▪ have formally requested inclusion on the Additional Denomination list
▪ have agreed to abide by the Joint Working Protocol for Prison Chaplains established between the Free Churches Group, Churches together in England and Cytun
Ordained Chaplains (including ordained deacons) will have completed a formal professional formation process appropriate to their denomination which satisfies that denomination of their ability to effectively practice and fulfil the skills and competencies required of an ordained minister. Where an ordained chaplain is appointed within the first two years of their ordination then the denomination will be required to demonstrate to the Free Churches Faith and Belief Adviser the additional support to be given during this crucial stage of ministry development.
Non-ordained Chaplains will have completed a level of study in a theological or biblical discipline which enables them to be recognised by their denomination as a non- ordained minister
Formal endorsement of the candidates denominational accreditation will be required from the HMPPS Free Churches Faith and Belief Adviser
Church leaders at a regional or national level, i.e. Moderators, Chairs, Regional Ministers etc. will be asked to provide written confirmation to the Faith and Belief Adviser attesting to the credentials, qualifications and accountability of each candidate. (This evidence will be required before appointment and thereafter periodically according to HMPPS vetting policy.)
Required qualifications for Prison Chaplains. All Free Churches Chaplains will be expected to hold a formal recognised qualification in theology or religious study, normally to UK University undergraduate Diploma standard
Requirement for Continuing Professional Development (CPD). In order to maintain endorsement by the Free Churches Faith and Belief Adviser all chaplains will be required to demonstrate regular continuing reflection or training contributing towards their professional development as ministers. This will be recorded and assessed on an annual basis by the HMPPS Free Churches Faith and Belief Adviser
Be a committed and practising Hindu
Display a competent understanding of Hindu teaching and practice
Have demonstrable knowledge of Hindu philosophy and rituals
Have relevant practical experience
Have endorsement from the HMPPS Hindu Faith and Belief Adviser* (evidence required before appointment)
Humanist and Non-Religious:
Have a cohesive system of values or beliefs but which do not self-classify as religious. These should be serious, genuinely and sincerely held, and worthy of respect in a democratic society
An ability to articulate the values and beliefs above
Have received formal endorsement from the Non- Religious Pastoral Support Network
Adherence to the Non-Religious Pastoral Support Network (NRPSN’s) code of conduct
Maintain their accreditation with the NRPSN
Be a committed and practising Jain
Display a competent understanding of Jain teaching and practice
Have demonstrable knowledge of Jain philosophy and rituals
Have relevant practical experience
Have endorsement from the HMPPS Jain Faith and Belief Adviser* (Evidence required before appointment)
Jehovahs Witness:
A minister for Jehovahs Witnesses must be an appointed elder
Have a formal nomination from the body of elders of the congregation where he is an appointed elder
Have formal endorsement by the HMPPS Faith and Belief Adviser for Jehovahs Witnesses
Measure up to the scriptural qualifications found at 1 Timothy 3:1-10; Titus 1:5-9; 1 Peter 5:2, 3 and display them to a consistent and reasonable degree
Have a thorough understanding of the beliefs, teachings and practices of Jehovahs Witnesses and is committed to living by the Bibles moral values and standards
Have been trained and have experience in pastoral care and have demonstrated effective communication and social skills
Have formal endorsement by the HMPPS Faith and Belief Adviser for Jehovahs Witnesses
Be an ordained Rabbi Or
In lieu of ordination, be a committed, practising and knowledgeable Jewish lay person
Have endorsement from HMPPS Jewish Faith and Belief Adviser* (Evidence required before appointment)
Hold a recognised qualification in Islamic Studies at ‘Alimiyyah / graduate level
Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of Islam at an equivalent level
Be proficient in Tajweed (correct pronunciation of Arabic)
Have demonstrable knowledge of the different schools of thought and denominations within Islam and be willing to help in, encourage interest in, and facilitate practice of those schools and denominations when required by different segments of the congregation
Formal endorsement by the candidates faith community through HMPPS Muslim Faith and Belief Adviser in Chaplaincy and Faith Services at headquarters. Evidence required before appointment)
(Christian) Orthodox:
Ordained Bishop, Priest or Deacon
Will be an ordained bishop, priest or deacon of an Orthodox Christian Church in Communion with the See of Constantinople, and/or Antioch, Jerusalem, Alexandria
Will have formal endorsement in the form of the certificate of Ordination. *(Evidence required before appointment, and endorsement from the HMPPS Orthodox Faith and Belief Adviser). Will normally need to have been in Holy Orders for a minimum of three years unless this is dispensed with by the ordaining bishop in consultation with the HMPPS Orthodox Faith and Belief Adviser.
Subdeacon, Reader, Monastic, Layperson
Will be an active member of an Orthodox Christian community which is in Communion with the See of Constantinople, and/or Antioch, Jerusalem, Alexandria
Will have formal evidence of having completed a course of study in an appropriate theological discipline, at or through an institute generally recognised by the Orthodox Church, at Level 4 or above
Will have endorsement, and confirmation of ordination (if appropriate) from their parish priest or bishop
*(Evidence required before appointment, and endorsement from the HMPPS Orthodox Faith and Belief Adviser).
Be a proven and continued member of the Pagan Federation as the endorsing body or other eligible grove/coven or group who are signed up with and represented by the Pagan Symposium
Referenced or evidence-based training within the Pagan Community
Theologically competent and proficient in teaching eclectically across more than one Pagan Tradition
Have an understanding and can demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of Pagan practice
Pagan Chaplains will be asked to provide written confirmation to the HMPPS Pagan Faith and Belief Adviser attesting to the credentials, qualifications and accountability of each candidate. (This evidence will be required before appointment and thereafter periodically according to HMPPS vetting policy.)
Requirement for Continuing Professional Development (CPD). In order to maintain endorsement by the HMPPS Pagan Faith and Belief Adviser, all chaplains will be required to have regular contact with and unbroken membership of their endorsing body and the wider Pagan community. Engage with and demonstrate regular continuing reflection or training contributing towards their professional development as ministers. This will be recorded and assessed on an annual basis by the HMPPS Pagan Faith and Belief Adviser.
Must have the endorsement of the HMPPS Pagan Faith and Belief Adviser (Evidence required before appointment)
Be a Member of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in good standing
Have demonstrable in-depth knowledge of Quaker faith and practice. It is desirable although not essential that candidates will have completed the Equipping for Ministry course at Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre
Have formal endorsement by the candidates faith community through HMPPS Quaker Faith and Belief Adviser
Must be a committed Rastafarian
Must demonstrate a high level of consciousness towards the principles of Rastafari
Must have a high tolerance and flexibility when working with the various members of the Rastafari family.
Must have a general understanding of all the Rastafarian Mansions/Houses.
Good knowledge of the RasTeferi way of life (Livity)
Good knowledge of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie 1st and Ethiopian/African culture
Good listening and communicating skills
Must have the endorsement of the HMPPS Rastafari Faith and Belief Adviser
Roman Catholic: Ordained Priest
Be an ordained priest in the Roman Catholic Church.
Formal endorsement in the form of recognition from the appropriate Diocesan Bishop or Religious Superior and formal agreement to work in a specific diocese by the local Diocesan Bishop (Evidence required before appointment)
Ordained Deacon, Religious Brother/Sister/Lay Person
Be an ordained Permanent Deacon, a Religious Brother or Sister or a suitably qualified lay person of the Roman Catholic Church
Formal endorsement in the form of recognition from the appropriate Diocesan Bishop or Religious Superior and formal agreement to work in a specific diocese by the local Diocesan Bishop (Evidence required before appointment)
All must have:
completed formally recognised theological formation; for a Priest or Deacon in a major seminary or equivalent as prescribed by The Code of Canon Law and for a religious or lay person a theological qualification that, as the minimum, equates to the Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies (CCRS)
formal agreement from the local diocesan bishop to minister in those prisons located within his Diocese
formal endorsement from the HMPPS Roman Catholic Faith and Belief Adviser confirming eligibility and suitability
Must be a Baptised Sikh (i.e. has completed Amrit Initiation)
Show practical demonstration of reading, reciting and translating Sikh scriptures. Desirably the candidate should hold a Degree/Diploma in Sikh theology.
Must have demonstrable knowledge of Sikh Religion, its history and commitment to adhere to the Sikh Code of Conduct (Rehat Maryada- Akal Takht Sahib)
Must be proficient in Punjabi
Formal endorsement from the HMPPS Sikh Faith and Belief Adviser confirming eligibility and suitability
Must have passed the required prison chaplain training as set by the Spiritualists National Union (which is the governing body for Spiritualism)
Must be approved/endorsed by the SNUs Ministers Administration Committee
Must be a Zoroastrian initiated into the faith by a Zoroastrian Mobed
Must hold a degree / diploma in Zoroastrian Studies or show practical demonstration of reading, reciting and translating Zoroastrian scriptures
Must have demonstrable knowledge of Zoroastrian history, heritage and culture and able to speak Parsi Guajarati or/and Persian
Formal endorsement from the Zoroastrian Trust Funds of Europe (Evidence required before appointment).
Hours of Work and Allowances
37 hour working week
Person specification
We’ll assess you against these behaviours during the selection process:
£13,366 towards you being a member of the Civil Service Defined Benefit Pension scheme.
Find out what benefits a Civil Service Pension provides.
- Access to learning and development
- A working environment that supports a range of flexible working options to enhance your work life balance
- A working culture which encourages inclusion and diversity
- A Civil Service pension with an average employer contribution of 27%
- Annual Leave
- Public Holidays
- Season Ticket Advance
For more information about the recruitment process, benefits and allowances and answers to general queries, please click the below link which will direct you to our Candidate Information Page.
Things you need to know
Selection process details
Feedback will only be provided if you attend an interview or assessment.
Nationality requirements
Working for the Civil Service
We recruit by merit on the basis of fair and open competition, as outlined in the Civil Service Commission’s recruitment principles (opens in a new window).
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Contact point for applicants
Job contact :
- Name : SSCL Recruitment Enquiries Team
- Email :
- Telephone : 0845 241 5358
Recruitment team
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